Stockholm (in summer) is (with Sydney, all year round) one of the two most beautiful cities in the world (Lisbon is special, and does not enter this competition...).
Water plays undoubtely an important role: the city is built across 14 islands, one third of its area is covered by water, and thus Stockholm is often called «Venice of the North». It is located at the point where Lake Mälaren flows into the Baltic Sea, and it is said that the water is so clean that you can drink it, as well as catch salmon from one of the many bridges in the city centre.
With the lakes, parks, islands, perfect organization, and only 1,3 million people living in the greater city area, Stockholm is a destination impossible to be missed. Of course, with temperatures ranging from minus seven through minus twelve on March 11 (today's forecast), Winter is, from my point of view, far from being an inviting season...

"HOTEL DIPLOMAT - «Wake up on the Sunny side»! A very pleasant place to stay, at Strandvagen, 7c, by the Nybroviken Quay. Strandvägen is Stockholm's most prestigious address, with some of its buildings dating back to 1890 - 1910. Magnificent view from room 602!"

"HOTEL DIPLOMAT - View to the Nybroviken Quay from where the sightseeing boats depart"

"HOTEL DIPLOMAT - The view to the other side"
STOCKHOLM refers to the town in between bridges. The name was first mentionned in the chronicle of Erik, probably written between 1322 and 1332. According to this chronicle Stockholm was founded by Birger Jarl in 1252.

"CITY HALL - One of the Swedens most famous buildings, home to the Nobel Party. Located in the centre, its Tower has a very nice view to the city and the water. Of course, due to the weather conditions, it's usually only open during the Summer"

"SHERATON - Close by, near Stockholm's central business district, there is the amazing building of the Sheraton Hotel with nice views of Lake Mälaren, City Hall, and the Old Town"

"SERGELS TORG - Heart of downtown, with a huge glass building - the Kulturhuset (House of Culture) -, which symbolizes Stockholm and shows the development of modernism in Sweden"

"KUNGSTRADGARDEN - A park with plenty to enjoy"

"GAMLA STAN - The Old Town Island (500 meters in diameter), where it all started more than 750 years ago. Most historic buildings date from the seventeenth century, which gives Gamla Stan an interesting look"

"THE HOUSE OF NOBILITY was built in 1641-74 for the meetings of the Swedish Nobility, in Parliament. The building is one of the most exquisite works of architecture in northern Europe"

"GAMLA STAN STREETS - Since 1520 Stockholm has has not seen war on its site, so its streets in the Old Town still keep the medieval layout. However, numerous buildings have been added or renovated, particularly in the 17th century, when Sweden was one of Europe's major military powers"

"THE GREAT MARKET PLACE (Stortorget) is situated in the heart of the Old Town, and was originally the centre of the city. The first floor of the buildings are medieval, the upper floors were added in the 17th century. The Börsen building houses nowadays the Nobel Museum. On the second floor, the Swedish Academy meets every week and also elects the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature.

"GAMLA STAN - Around the Stortorget there are several buildings from the seventeenth century and one dating back to the sixteenth century"

"ROYAL PALACE, built between 1697 and 1754) was the largest single construction project in Europe during this time. It is now the biggest palace in the world still used by a head of state (608 rooms) - King Carl Gustav XVI"

"BLASIEHOLMSHAMMEN - Home to the magnificent Grand Hotel"

"SKEPPSHOLMSBRON - the «Ship's Island Bridge», was built in 1861, and connects the Skeppsholmen island to the northern mainland"

"AF CHAPMAN - The white fullrigger docked along the quai of western Skeppsholmen, built in 1888, was named after an 18th century Swedish naval architect. She sailed as a British cargo vessel until 1908, and served as the training ship for the Swedish Navy. In 1949, she became Stockholm's youth hostel"

"SUNSET, with Af Chapman"
Hey GMG,
Ahh, no way are those photos lousy. I'm sure they r much more valuable since they are so old and contain so much precious memories.
Yes, these photos of Stockholm and Uppsala certainly contain some familiar buildings.
I've a question: how do you remember so much facts? You wrote them down on your diary and now u upload the info or they are all in your head for the past 20 years? I already can't remember some of things I wrote in my blog. haha
Hi Kaiz,
Thks for the comment.
As to your query, actually I had some short notes on the photo albums, but most of it is «what is left when everything else has been forgotten»!
(this I took from a translation site - no liability for any error)
Unfortunately, it's becomming common to forget much more than I would wish...
Take care!
Hi Gil, greetz from Stockholm :-)))
I haven't been to Uppsala yet, but these sights of Stockholm look pretty much the same now as on your pictures.
One thing I have to tell and it's about the weather: sumemr is indeed awesome, I don't like it above 30C°, so it's just perfect in the city. But it's short: in the first days of this month, I still needed my WINTERCOAT... :-(((
Winter is just a little bit colder than in Budapest or Vienna for example, but MUCH nicer: there it's ugly grey, rainy, windy, brrrr! Here it's rather white, snowy, sunny...
Hi Andrea, Greetings!
You're right about the short summer, but the winter... sunny???
Stockholm, Gamla Stan... belong too to my past, present and futur.
I met my wife when we were students in a place called "Teacher's club" in 1967.
Great city, and great place to meet a future wife!
I was there for the first time in 1969; just met a girlfriend... ;))
Wonderful old photos of our capital city. You really got the most important visited :-)
It could as well has been today, so much is still the same in those places. And Chapman is newely renovated.
That trip was fabulous; and Stockholm (I returned in 1998...) keeps all its charm...
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