The first adventure started in Paris to get the visa; I had not much time and needed it for the next day: InchAllah was the answer...

"BOARDING CARDS: Paris-Dhahran with Air France; Dhahran-Riyadh with Saudi, and Riyadh-Paris again with Air France..."

"MENU - Dinner was excellent!"

"HOTELS: Meridien Al-Khobar (Dhahran) and Intercontinental Riyadh"

"GREETINGS - Riyadh postcard"
Finally, I manage to finish work and left. At the Riyadh airport, by 2:00 a.m., the temperature was around plus twenty seven degrees Celsius; when I got to Paris, early in the morning, it rounded minus seventeen Celsius). Forty four degrees difference...
Was taking pics forbidden in SA at that time ?
I don't remember a temperature of -17°C in Paris, in 1985.
January 1985 was notable for the extreme cold in France. The first 'wave' was 5th-10th January, with Germany, Switzerland, SE France and Italy most affected with record lows. The second 'wave' spread more west; France again severely hit... Paris had a max of -11 on 16th with -17 the following night... And if you search «Meteo France», you'll see that «du 3 au 18 janvier 1985» there was a wave cold «intensité exceptionnelle»...
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