GRAND TETON NATIONAL PARK shows spectacular mountain scenery. The Teton Range was formed from earthquakes and is 40-mile-long. The range includes the Grand Teton, at 4,198 m, and at least twelve pinnacles over 3,600 m. Several lakes help to create a fantastic scene.

"COLTER BAY - Colter Bay Visitor Centre is located 25 miles north of Moose, adjacent to Jackson Lake. From there one has a magnificent view of the Tetons"

"SNAKE RIVER originates near the Continental Divide in Yellowstone National Park, flows south to Jackson Lake in Grand Teton National Park and is 1,670 km long. Easy rafting..."
JACKSON, WYOMING, sometimes mistakenly called Jackson Hole, is a major gateway for millions of tourists visiting Grand Teton National Park, Yellowstone National Park, and the National Elk Refuge.

"JACKSON is home to the world's largest ball of barbed wire and large arches of shed elk antlers at the entrances to the town square"

"STUNT SHOW - Preparing the main road in Jackson for the cowboy show"

"ARTS IN TOWN - The Million Dollar Cowboy Bar and the Theatre"

"LEAVING - Photo at the entrance..."
They still do that cowboy show on the srtreets in Jackson! I missed the barbed wire ball, however. :-)
That stunt show was amazing!!
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